Friday, October 5, 2012

Experiences with Flickr

I joined Flickr for this social networking course and joined the class group. I immediately uploads some photos of some of my creations, cakes and owl related crafts as I found the site to have a 'show and tell' feel to it.. I found some friends and added them as contacts because I wanted to show off my photos. I played with the popular tag searches and found some interesting photos! I explored the site and really enjoyed the world map and the geotagging items. I image that this could be a good resource for education especially it image are of landmarks of the area.
I have used Flickr during the course to explore the creative commons images. I have displayed images in all my blog posts and wanted to use images that had permissions. I have used images, attributed recognition and I remixed images when those permissions exist.
I was unsure how best to use the INF206-INF506 Photo Pool until the lecturer suggested that this could be used as evidence of our learning. So I have finally added photos of my Pinterest and Second Life learning.

How public libraries could use Flickr
Promotion of events and programs Worthington library uses the Flikr display features of collections and sets well. It has 5 collections: Programs and Events; Library of the Year 2007; Enchanted Children's Areas, Life at the Library; and 2007-2008 Renovations. Inside each of these collections are multiple sets, the biggest being Program and Events with 35 sets dedicated to different events. The library does has a photostream, which is a stream of photos in order of upload but collections and  sets made it the page less chaotic and more visually attractive.
Show case the library with photos of library places and introductions to library staff. Photos can be annotated with a note about staff roles.
Photos of book covers for new books or book themes, like a virtual book display.
Photo competitions by allowing patrons to add photos. For example, the library I work at had a competition for photos of people reading somewhere in the council. If we had a Flickr account these could have been uploaded and displayed rather then people needing to print and send physical copies. Chester County library ran a collaborative competition about nature in Chester County.

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