For the posts that show evidence of meeting the learning objectives I have chosen
Delicious and Libraries
Evaluation of ASU Libraries and the 4C's
"Do You Know 4.0" Trends and Information Policy
Social networking technologies
Social networking technologies are sites that make use of Web 2.0 technology to facilitate communication between people who share interests and allow them to share content they create, collaborate with people and their content (OCLC, 2007, p.2-1). The essential feature is that they are social (OOLC, 2007 p.2-2), and it is the ability to allow participation between people that makes them valuable (Kroski, 2008, p.3). Being immersed in social networking technologies is a great way to learn and this course has allowed me to do this to better understand the intricacies of social networking technologies. I have joined networks I would never had done, such as Linkedin, Flickr, and Delicious all which has added to my understanding of the wider world of social networking. My post about Delicious indicates that I understand that social networks are social and require following people to get the benefit of collective intelligence in what to bookmark, and awareness of the issues of that collaboration can involve such as problems with social tagging.
Library 2.0
Although important, O'Reilly's definition of what Web 2.0 is has a lot of technical jargon (2005). I have found that the 4Cs of Web 2.0: Collaboration, Conversation, Community and Content creation (Hay, Wallis, O'Connell & Crease, 2012) has become a mnemonic for me in understanding Library 2.0. Library 2.0 collaborates with both staff and patrons to improve services, opens opportunities for conversations, fosters a feeling of community and creates content both through the staff and user-generated. Having this understanding allowed me to assess the Arizona State University (ASU) Libraries as a Library 2.0 example. Through this activity and my assignment case study on Facebook and Pinterest I have discovered that although many libraries are using social networking technologies in practice they fall short of the Library 2.0 ideal. They create new content, and a community of followers and have tools that allow for conversation but libraries have difficulty with creating conversations and opportunities for user-generated content. When libraries are successful in getting patrons to participate they can use customers knowledge contribute to and improve services (Casey & Savastinuk, 2006, para.11).
Meeting information needs of users
This course has given me the opportunity to interact with social networking technologies as a user to see how they met my information needs. It has allowed be to access the social networking technologies as tools. “Different social sites have different emphases” (OCLC, 2007, p.2-2) so it is important to find the technology that is the right tool to meet user information needs (Harvey, 2009, p.7). My post about Delicious describes how Delicious was the right tool to meet my information need of organizing web resources for my assignments but that there were features that could make it difficult such such as allowing inconsistent tagging. The assessment of ASU also demonstrates how I assessed the features of Twitter, Youtube and a blog with RSS in how it was delivering information content to its users.
Supporting informational and collaborative needs of libraries
Libraries are information agencies responsible for organizing and disseminating information. Social networking technologies about creating, sharing and publishing content (OCLC, 2007, p.2-2) which includes information, so the two compliment each other well. Social networking media allow libraries to provide information, promote and improve their services, collections and events. The evaluation of ASU enabled me to evaluate how libraries are using these technologies to support their information services to patrons. They use short youtube clips to impart library information and resources quickly and creatively to patrons, Twitter imparts reference information promptly and blogs are full of information about events and resources. My post about Delicious evaluated how libraries can use this social network technology to meet collaborative and informational needs. It enables libraries to share resources between staff and between libraries both in services such as reference and readers advisory as well as in programming and searching for ideas. Libraries were also using it as an information portal as part of the libraries web resources for patrons.
Information Policy
I have come to understand that policies are important and in this subject I can see the practical applications. Well developed information policy responds to the changes in technology and the way information is communicated (Dearnley & Feather, 2001 p.85). The video Are you 4.0? examines trends that can be used to influence information policy. I examined trends that addressed the social issues of where people get news from and changes in communication to texting; educational issues of Wikipedia; ethical issues of illegally downloading music; technological issues of trends towards mobile devices. Policies should be developed in consultation with stakeholders (Bryson,2006 p.130) which include patrons. In a socially networked world it is easier to obtain this feedback as there are more avenues for conversation.
Bryson, J. (2007). Managing information services: A transformational approach. Burlington, VT.: Ashgate.
Casey, M.E. & Savastinuk, L.C. (2006). Library 2.0: Service for the next-generation library. Library Journal, 1 September. Retrieved from
Dearnley, J., & Feather, J. (2001). Information policy. The wired world: An introduction to the theory and practice of the information society (pp. 60-93). London: Library Association.
Harvey, M. (2009). What does it mean to be a Science Librarian 2.0? Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, 58(1). DOI:10.5062/F4M906KW. Retrieved from
Hay, L., Wallis J., O'Connell, J. & Crease, R. (2012). What is Library 2.0 [INF506 Module 3:Library 2.0 and participatory library services] Retrieved September 14, 2012 from Charles Sturt website: f698-4c0c-8031-84f37037aa7a
Kroski, E. (2008). Web 2.0 for librarians and information professionals. New York: Neal-Shuman
OCLC. (2007). Sharing, Privacy and Trust in Our Networked World : A Report to the OCLC Membership. Dublin, Ohio: Online Computer Library Center, Inc. Retrieved from
O'Reilly, T. (2005, September 30). What is Web 2.0. Retrieved from
My adventures to discover Web 2.0 technologies, to become familiar with them and what they have to offer. Particularly for libraries and how Web 2.0 tools can enhance users experience of, and interaction with, their library.
Monday, October 8, 2012
INF506 - Reflective Statement
This has been an amazing journey of discovery. I chose this subject because I enjoyed social networking [read I was addicted to Facebook]. I also wanted evidence to present to the leadership of why we should be incorporating Web 2.0 technologies at the library I work at and to develop the skills to be able to implement them. This is how it turned out.......
My development as a social networker
This subject gave me the opportunity to discover new social networking sites and to experiment with different features in familiar ones. I discovered that there is a social network for almost every hobby and have joined Cake Central for cake decoration. I discovered that Pinterest is more than a place to store pretty pictures and that it is a social bookmarking site.
I joined social networks that I had dismissed such as Twitter and have discovered that a lot can be said in 140 characters! Most startling for me is that I have enjoyed my experiences in Second Life. I have wandered around seeing some of the sites, interacting with objects and people and going shopping. If I had a better graphics card and faster computer who knows what could happen.......
I am more confident and purposeful in the way I use social networking sites and am cross-promoting my social networking profiles on other sites. I now actively look for places to collaborate and create content on my social networking sites such as collaborative boards on Pinterest. I have become more aware of security risks online, despite this I still feel compelled to share more of myself on my social networks.
Implications for my development as an information professional
As I work in a public library, I have purposely focused my learning on public libraries and observing best practice by public libraries on social networking sites.
Before staring this course I was impatient to jump into Web 2.0 and frustrated because the library I work in had no plants to introduce Web 2.0 technologies to provide services to patrons. The turning point for me was reading Meredith Frakas post “The essence of Library 2.0. It reminded me that the point of any library service is services that are focused on the needs of users, and that it is pointless to maintain or use social networking services if they are not the best ways to meet the needs of patrons.
I also learned that there is a lot involved in setting up social networking for libraries before even considering which technologies, such as polices. Especially relevant to me were polices about user-generated content, and planning in advance what the library expects from users and how they will respond. I am a little disappointed that this process hasn't even started at my library, so it is going to be a while before social networking technologies are implemented.
This course has made me want to strive to be 'Librarian 2.0'. Partridge, Lee and Munro suggest eight key areas for Librarian 2.0: technology; learning and education; research and practice; communication skills; collaboration and teamwork; user-focussed; business savvy; and certain personality traits (2010, p.325-329). I feel that some of these areas are traditional librarian skills which I possess and some of these skills this course is helping me to acquire. The area that I really lack in, is technology. I am semi-aware of changing trends but I have shied away from technology or let my husband deal with it. I don't even have a mobile phone. Discovering from my post on changing trends on Are you 4.0? that texting is becoming the most common form of communication and that by 2020 most people will access the internet via mobile devices makes me realize that to be Librarian 2.0, I need to hop onto the technology train.
One of my main objectives for this course was to learn how to market the library on social networks. I realize that I had the wrong focus. Social networking technologies are for developing relationships with patrons and getting them to participate and collaborate with the library in order to better meet the their needs. When patrons feel part of the library in this setting, they will promote the library.
This course has allowed me to connect with resources that will continue to help me in my as a social networking librarian. It introduced me to blog writers like Meredith Frakas and Stephen Abram. I am following libraries that have good social networking practices on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. I feel that I am on my way to setting up some good resources to support me on my professional social networking adventure.
Partridge, H., Lee, J., & Munro, C. (2010). Becoming "Librarian 2.0": The Skills, Knowledge, and Attributes Required by Library and Information Science Professionals in a Web 2.0 World (and Beyond). Library Trends, 59(1-2), 315-335.
My development as a social networker
This subject gave me the opportunity to discover new social networking sites and to experiment with different features in familiar ones. I discovered that there is a social network for almost every hobby and have joined Cake Central for cake decoration. I discovered that Pinterest is more than a place to store pretty pictures and that it is a social bookmarking site.
I joined social networks that I had dismissed such as Twitter and have discovered that a lot can be said in 140 characters! Most startling for me is that I have enjoyed my experiences in Second Life. I have wandered around seeing some of the sites, interacting with objects and people and going shopping. If I had a better graphics card and faster computer who knows what could happen.......
I am more confident and purposeful in the way I use social networking sites and am cross-promoting my social networking profiles on other sites. I now actively look for places to collaborate and create content on my social networking sites such as collaborative boards on Pinterest. I have become more aware of security risks online, despite this I still feel compelled to share more of myself on my social networks.
Implications for my development as an information professional
As I work in a public library, I have purposely focused my learning on public libraries and observing best practice by public libraries on social networking sites.
Before staring this course I was impatient to jump into Web 2.0 and frustrated because the library I work in had no plants to introduce Web 2.0 technologies to provide services to patrons. The turning point for me was reading Meredith Frakas post “The essence of Library 2.0. It reminded me that the point of any library service is services that are focused on the needs of users, and that it is pointless to maintain or use social networking services if they are not the best ways to meet the needs of patrons.
I also learned that there is a lot involved in setting up social networking for libraries before even considering which technologies, such as polices. Especially relevant to me were polices about user-generated content, and planning in advance what the library expects from users and how they will respond. I am a little disappointed that this process hasn't even started at my library, so it is going to be a while before social networking technologies are implemented.
This course has made me want to strive to be 'Librarian 2.0'. Partridge, Lee and Munro suggest eight key areas for Librarian 2.0: technology; learning and education; research and practice; communication skills; collaboration and teamwork; user-focussed; business savvy; and certain personality traits (2010, p.325-329). I feel that some of these areas are traditional librarian skills which I possess and some of these skills this course is helping me to acquire. The area that I really lack in, is technology. I am semi-aware of changing trends but I have shied away from technology or let my husband deal with it. I don't even have a mobile phone. Discovering from my post on changing trends on Are you 4.0? that texting is becoming the most common form of communication and that by 2020 most people will access the internet via mobile devices makes me realize that to be Librarian 2.0, I need to hop onto the technology train.
One of my main objectives for this course was to learn how to market the library on social networks. I realize that I had the wrong focus. Social networking technologies are for developing relationships with patrons and getting them to participate and collaborate with the library in order to better meet the their needs. When patrons feel part of the library in this setting, they will promote the library.
This course has allowed me to connect with resources that will continue to help me in my as a social networking librarian. It introduced me to blog writers like Meredith Frakas and Stephen Abram. I am following libraries that have good social networking practices on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. I feel that I am on my way to setting up some good resources to support me on my professional social networking adventure.
Partridge, H., Lee, J., & Munro, C. (2010). Becoming "Librarian 2.0": The Skills, Knowledge, and Attributes Required by Library and Information Science Professionals in a Web 2.0 World (and Beyond). Library Trends, 59(1-2), 315-335.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Libraries and Second Life
I must admit that Second Life (SL) is becoming more appealing. Yes, I still have lag, my client crashes at inopportune times, but I have enjoyed interacting on this platform in my early experiences and on tours. It is very immersive, it somehow blurs the edged between reality and the virtual.
I am a little disappointed in the libraries that I experiences. I am not sure what I expected.I have experienced two different type of libraries in SL libraries such as Standford University which is a physical library as well as virtual and others such as Community Virtual Library (CVL) which is only virtual. Libraries exist in SL as many aspects of it try to imitate real life (well...not the parts where avatars are half beast, half person). And once people become more familiar with SL, they look for information on how they can improve their experiences and as in real life, people head for the library within Second Life for that information (Baity et al, 2009 p.5).
Standford library is nicely set up with some lovely places to wander. I thought that I would interact more within SL but most of the interaction happened on websites outside of SL. I could leave a message, or be taken to a website to get questions answered. Visual boards of different branches linked me to their websites or catalogue. I loved reading about the rare books in the Book Garden.
My avatar perusing the Book Garden at Standford University Library
The CVL was similar. I could visit when there was a librarian present but it seemed to follow a US timetable. It seemed to have little popups that helped me to navigate round, had displays where I could get information on SL features such as scripting. It seemed to provide information about interacting in SL as well as linking to traditional resources via web pages.
Using the reference services at CVL
From my experiences libraries in SL are:
- Offering traditional library services linking to back to library websites
- Setting up virtual services with avatar librarians
- Showcasing their collections
- Providing spaces for conferences/lectures/learning opportunities. I see this as one of the best features of libraries in SL. People from different geographic locations can get together for discussions. It would be a great learning tool for distance education students to gather socially and also be able to have virtual lectures together and give presentations.
Some concluding thoughts
- I wonder if SL has had its peak. Long term concurrancy statistics (maximum number of users on at any one time) show that that SL peaked in early 2009.
- SL requires a lot of staff time in experimenting and becoming comfortable in Second Life, in becoming competent and knowledgeable enough to help other users in their SL Journey and I wonder if that time is worthwhile.
- What percentage of current library patrons would choose to access the library via SL? I would suggest very few from a public library, so is it really adding value to services.
- SL is very resource heavy in that it requires newer computers with good graphics cards and large bandwidth to function well. This is a barrier for some in using services on SL, adding to digital divide issues
- It still seems quite novel to me, and I wonder how many people use SL libraries from traditional information searching apart from information about engaging in SL.
Baity, C., Chappell, P., Rachlin, D., Vinson, C. & Zamarripa, M. (2009) When Real and Virtual Worlds Collide: A Second Life Library. Retrieved from
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Social media policy and user-generated content
In case you have missed the thread though other posts, I am impatient for the implementation of social networking technologies in the library I work at. This is being tempered by some of my readings and the need for a social media policy is another reminder that it is going to take time to implement social media properly.
In my readings about social media policy is what has been apparent is the need to include information in a social media policy about responding to user-generated content such as comments, and posts in response to library content. Fleet suggests that this falls into two areas: Comment moderation; and online interaction (Fleet, 2009, p.12)
The first issue would be whether to moderate comments before or after they are posted. It can be a disincentive to interact if patrons cannot see their comments appear straight away.
Content moderation in a social media policy sets boundaries for acceptable behaviour of patrons on company properties (which includes their social networking sites) such as acceptable language, personal attacks, off topic comments, spam comments, and blocking users for offences (Fleet, 2009, p13)e)
What really interests me are the 'rules of engagement' for staff in online interaction, since I want to be the person that is encouraging interaction on social networking sites. Social media policies should address and publicly promote the expectations for the way the library will behave online with respect to conversations and standards. (Fleet, 2009, p.14), Issues that can be addressed are will the library respond to spam, off-topic comments, defamatory comments, misinformation and disagreement and if so, how? Also how long will libraries take to respond. (Fleet, 2009 p.14)
These are important concerns to address, before they become an issue.
Personally, I like Vancouer Public Library approach to user generated content. They have decided to treat their social media spaces as any other physical space in the library where people are entitled to express their opinion (Cahill, 2009 p. 270) In the 'about' section of their Facebook page they have a disclaimer that the comments or information posted on the site do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Library. They also have a link to their social media terms of use policy.
I think that in order to continue to encourage engagement it is important to respond to all comments and to allow users as much freedom on library social networking sites as possible only moderating comments and posts that pose legal issues.
Cahill, K. (2011). Going social at Vancouver Public Library: what the virtual branch did next. Program: Electronic Library and Information Systems, 45(3), 259 – 278.
Fleet, David. (2009). Social media policies: An introduction. [ebook] Retrieved from:
In my readings about social media policy is what has been apparent is the need to include information in a social media policy about responding to user-generated content such as comments, and posts in response to library content. Fleet suggests that this falls into two areas: Comment moderation; and online interaction (Fleet, 2009, p.12)
The first issue would be whether to moderate comments before or after they are posted. It can be a disincentive to interact if patrons cannot see their comments appear straight away.
Content moderation in a social media policy sets boundaries for acceptable behaviour of patrons on company properties (which includes their social networking sites) such as acceptable language, personal attacks, off topic comments, spam comments, and blocking users for offences (Fleet, 2009, p13)e)
What really interests me are the 'rules of engagement' for staff in online interaction, since I want to be the person that is encouraging interaction on social networking sites. Social media policies should address and publicly promote the expectations for the way the library will behave online with respect to conversations and standards. (Fleet, 2009, p.14), Issues that can be addressed are will the library respond to spam, off-topic comments, defamatory comments, misinformation and disagreement and if so, how? Also how long will libraries take to respond. (Fleet, 2009 p.14)
These are important concerns to address, before they become an issue.
Personally, I like Vancouer Public Library approach to user generated content. They have decided to treat their social media spaces as any other physical space in the library where people are entitled to express their opinion (Cahill, 2009 p. 270) In the 'about' section of their Facebook page they have a disclaimer that the comments or information posted on the site do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Library. They also have a link to their social media terms of use policy.
I think that in order to continue to encourage engagement it is important to respond to all comments and to allow users as much freedom on library social networking sites as possible only moderating comments and posts that pose legal issues.
Cahill, K. (2011). Going social at Vancouver Public Library: what the virtual branch did next. Program: Electronic Library and Information Systems, 45(3), 259 – 278.
Fleet, David. (2009). Social media policies: An introduction. [ebook] Retrieved from:
Twitter and Libraries
I am a woman of many words, verbose could be my middle name, so what could a microblogging site like Twitter which only allows me 140 characters have to offer me. Quite a lot actually and I am surprised. After blogging about a frustrating start I have been using Twitter sporatically thought this semester.
Some of my achievements:
- I have composed over 80 tweets
- I am following 48 people and being followed by 22
- I have been retweeted at least three times
- I won a book with a competition from Get reading
- I followed a chapter of Pride and Prejudice achieved in tweets via the characters via Story Monkey
- I have promoted my library
- I have played around with attaching photos to my tweets and using the tag #ediblebooks
- I am beginning to become aware of how important hashtags are to having tweets searchable and found by others. I am looking for popular hashtags in my areas of interest that I can use such as #mustread; #bookreview; and #handmade.
- It can link to any URL. For example Parramatta Library linked to a pin on Pinterest of an image on an author talk.
- Tweets can be linked to Facebook status updates.
- Libraries can offer reference and answer library questions through Twitter. Arizona State Library has students asking the library where to find certain resources, asking for directions, and answering student feed back.
- As with most social networking sites it is great for promotion. Eastern Regional Libraries promotes books, events, author talks and resources
Friday, October 5, 2012
Policy concerns and Social Networking sites
Image used and remixed with creative common rights from Mark Smiciklas
Because social networks have a reputation of being fun users are not aware of how these sites can be potentially unsafe. It is suggested that with an increase in the use of social networking there has been a corresponding rise in online fraud and crime (James, 2010, p.1). This are not just online crimes such as identity theft, but in the physical world such as thieves finding out when you are not home via Twitter. (James 2010 p.1)
Web 2.0 technologies are set up to encourage networking and collaboration and involves a high level of trust (McAfee, 2010 para.6). And this can be misplaced. Most people are on multiple SNSs, cross promoting their different accounts, not realizing how much information can be leaked, little bits of information when gathered into a whole can provide a lot of information. Users can share personal information and opinions, which can go viral (James, 2010, p.3). This information needs to be protected or people can use it to damage reputations or for identity theft (James, 2010, p.9)
It is important that library policies identify at risk behaviours on SNSs and make commitments to user education.
Libraries, particularly public libraries, have an ethos of information access for all, and in reducing barriers of the digital divide. Many patrons are now using library PCs for social networking. These sites use more bandwidth than static websites and are often used for communication and entertainment. They are competing with traditional library patrons using it for education, interacting with government and applying for work (Bertot, 2009, para.40). Not allowing social networking on library PC would deprive patrons of their main source of communication and entertainment (Bertot, 2009 para.46). Also, SNS have penetrated so much into our society that patrons can use SNSs to interact with governments agencies, to subscribe to news, and for most of their communication needs. To deprive then of this would then only increase the digital divide. Library policies should then confirm the growing importance that social networking has to being a digital citizen.
Bertot, J. C., Jaeger, P. T., McClure, C. R., Wright, C. B., & Jensen, E. (2009). Public libraries and the Internet 2008-2009: Issues, implications, and challenges. First Monday, 14(11). Available
James, M.L. (2010). Cyber Crime 2.0 versus the Twittering classes. Parliament of Australia, Department of Parliamentary Services, Parliamentary Library Information, analysis and advice for the Parliament. Retrieved from
McAfee (2010). Submission number 10: Response to the Parliament of Australia House of Representatives Re: Inquiry into Cyber Crime . Retrieved from
Experiences with Flickr
I joined Flickr for this social networking course and joined the class group. I immediately uploads some photos of some of my creations, cakes and owl related crafts as I found the site to have a 'show and tell' feel to it.. I found some friends and added them as contacts because I wanted to show off my photos. I played with the popular tag searches and found some interesting photos! I explored the site and really enjoyed the world map and the geotagging items. I image that this could be a good resource for education especially it image are of landmarks of the area.
I have used Flickr during the course to explore the creative commons images. I have displayed images in all my blog posts and wanted to use images that had permissions. I have used images, attributed recognition and I remixed images when those permissions exist.
I was unsure how best to use the INF206-INF506 Photo Pool until the lecturer suggested that this could be used as evidence of our learning. So I have finally added photos of my Pinterest and Second Life learning.
How public libraries could use Flickr
Promotion of events and programs Worthington library uses the Flikr display features of collections and sets well. It has 5 collections: Programs and Events; Library of the Year 2007; Enchanted Children's Areas, Life at the Library; and 2007-2008 Renovations. Inside each of these collections are multiple sets, the biggest being Program and Events with 35 sets dedicated to different events. The library does has a photostream, which is a stream of photos in order of upload but collections and sets made it the page less chaotic and more visually attractive.
Show case the library with photos of library places and introductions to library staff. Photos can be annotated with a note about staff roles.
Photos of book covers for new books or book themes, like a virtual book display.
Photo competitions by allowing patrons to add photos. For example, the library I work at had a competition for photos of people reading somewhere in the council. If we had a Flickr account these could have been uploaded and displayed rather then people needing to print and send physical copies. Chester County library ran a collaborative competition about nature in Chester County.
I have used Flickr during the course to explore the creative commons images. I have displayed images in all my blog posts and wanted to use images that had permissions. I have used images, attributed recognition and I remixed images when those permissions exist.
I was unsure how best to use the INF206-INF506 Photo Pool until the lecturer suggested that this could be used as evidence of our learning. So I have finally added photos of my Pinterest and Second Life learning.
How public libraries could use Flickr
Promotion of events and programs Worthington library uses the Flikr display features of collections and sets well. It has 5 collections: Programs and Events; Library of the Year 2007; Enchanted Children's Areas, Life at the Library; and 2007-2008 Renovations. Inside each of these collections are multiple sets, the biggest being Program and Events with 35 sets dedicated to different events. The library does has a photostream, which is a stream of photos in order of upload but collections and sets made it the page less chaotic and more visually attractive.
Show case the library with photos of library places and introductions to library staff. Photos can be annotated with a note about staff roles.
Photos of book covers for new books or book themes, like a virtual book display.
Photo competitions by allowing patrons to add photos. For example, the library I work at had a competition for photos of people reading somewhere in the council. If we had a Flickr account these could have been uploaded and displayed rather then people needing to print and send physical copies. Chester County library ran a collaborative competition about nature in Chester County.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Art tours and Second Life
My favourite artwork during the tour - animated falling autumn leaves
Tonight I had a great time in Second Life. I have been having issues with my computer with lag and voice chat which made it difficult to go an any tours the course was offering. However I borrowed a laptop that ran a windows operating system and was able to interact really well, and get my voice chat to work. I run a Linux OS and it don't think that Second Life has really developed a good SL viewer for Linux. Anyway.......It was great that I could talk and hear the tour and get some insights into Second Life, and chat with people from my course. Being distance Ed this doesn't happen much, so interactions on Second Life for distance education students would be a great way to build up a class community.
Gallery of people and their avatars at Thothica
Cas took us on a tour of some of the art installations and galleries in Second Life. One of the most fascinating was a gallery with images of people and their avatars. The way that people customize their avatars to look like them, down to the clothes they wear. It is interesting to consider people's relationship to their avatar. I haven't done much customizing of my avatar, but I am certainly not going to have one that mimics my over weight, middle aged body! There are not many places I can be thin, young and energetic in real life, so I need to take advantage of Second Life.
Avatars are an important part of Second Life and as in real life I have found that they effect the way I think of people in Second life. Cas I found extroverted which mainly had to do with the gestures her avatar made, confident and open. However Mishellanous, another avatar who is new to Second life spent most of the time looking straight ahead with her hands by her sides so I assumed that she is quite and shy. This is probably no the case but being new she hasn't added gestures to her avatar. I probabaly seemed the same to her.
Right: Buying souvenir t-shirts at Artropolis
Left: End of tour in our Artropolis t-shirts
Cas gave me some landmarks to go shopping, so I have spent the past few hours shopping in Second life and then finding a changing room and trying on my outfits and doing some mixing and matching. There are some great free shopping areas to take advantage of, even if a lot of outfits are a little skimpy. I collate some outfit shots into the image below.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Defining Librarian 2.0
One of my reasons for doing this course is to develop the skills to become a web 2.0 using librarian, Librarian 2.0. I have experimented with Web 2.0 technologies privately and I want to branch out and use them professionally. So what are the essential knowledge, skills and attributes that define Librarian 2.0.
Firstly, I believe that the role of librarian hasn't change but tools that are available and the information environment has, so Librarian 2.0 it is about adopting these tools and adapting to the new environment. Librarians are about connecting people to the information they need and to have services that focuses on the needs of users, even anticipating what these needs will be. Librarian 2.0 continues in this tradition.
Librarian 2.0 understands the theory and power of Web 2.0, they are tech savvy and on top of trends in the technological and Web 2.0 worlds. They experiment, immerse themselves in, and and have fun with Web 2.0 technologies so that they can find the right tool for the job which results in better services for patrons (Harvey, 2009, p.7). They connect with patrons in ways that patrons prefer such as texting, IM, Skype, email, or virtual reference (Abrams, 2007, para.12) and actively look for ways to engage and converse with them. Librarians have needed to be team workers but with Web 2.0 teams got bigger and it is possible to collaborate with patrons as well as staff. Librarian 2.0 is creative and good at community building, they use Web 2.0 technologies to create content, then to allow and encourage collaboration on this content.
Librarian 2.0 has the ability to embrace and adapt to change. Technologies change, platforms change. Librarian 2.0 invest lots of time into Web 2.0 technologies and may find that these are superseded by a different technology. They cannot become too attached to platforms.
Librarian 2.0 is enthusiastic about Web 2.0 and encourages and educates their library to be more participatory in Web 2.0 such as using social tagging, social networking and social media technologies.
Within this definition you will see that Librarian 2.0 embraces the underlying principles of Web 2.0 known as the 4 Cs: Collaboration, Conversation, Community and Content creation (Hay, Wallis, O'Connell & Crease, 2012).
I feel have some of these characteristics and I am developing the skills to be this type of librarian
Abram, S. (2007) Web 2.0, Library 2.0, and Librarian 2.0: Preparing for the 2.0 World. Online International Conference Proceedings. Retrieved from
Harvey, M. (2009). What does it mean to be a Science Librarian 2.0? Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, 58. DOI:10.5062/F4M906KW. Retrieved from
Hay, L., Wallis J., O'Connell, J. & Crease, R. (2012). What is Library 2.0 [INF506 Module 3:Library 2.0 and participatory library services] Retrieved September 14, 2012 from Charles Sturt website:
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
"Do You Know 4.0" Trends and Information Policy
“Mobile Users will be the worlds primary connection tool to the internet in 2020”
Because of this trend library information policy must define a course of action that will see the library invest into applications that allow library information, such as website and catalogue, to be accessed on mobile devises. At present the library I work at has given little attention to this, but in order to prepare for the future this needs to be actively working towards mobile apps.
“The amount of text messages the average American teen sends each month is 2,272”
Text messaging is definitely being seen as the preferred method of communication. At present the the library I work at uses post and email the means of communicating with patrons, although most patrons give the library a mobile phone number as a contact. Social information policy should acknowledge a preference for text messages as a primary means of contacting members regarding overdue books and reservation.
“95% of all songs downloaded last year weren't paid for”
Library information policy should address intellectual property rights and copyright especially if patrons are illegally downloading music in the library The essence of copyright is that that authors or creators 'have complete control over their reproducible or performable creations”(Dearnley & Feather, 2001, p.69). The information policy should be clear about what is allowed and not allowed while using the internet at the library. Blocking these sites is not an option as it impinges on an individuals right to have unrestricted assess to information.
“Newspaper circulation is down 7 million over the last 25 years, but in the last 5 years unique readers of online newspapers are up 30 million”
Our library gets physical copies of the newspapers: The Herald Sun, The Age, The Australian, and Financial Review. All these newspapers are available online and require payment or subscription for anything but the briefest news (Lowe, 2012). As yet the library does not subscribe to any of these newspapers online. Considering the trend of reading newspapers online and taking into account libraries are important institutions for efficient and and easy access to online information (Dearnley & Feather, 2001, p.83) then information policy should address the need of access to online newspapers as a main source of news.
“Wikipedia launched in 2001. It now features over 13 million articles in more than 200 languages”
Wikipedia is very successful and much easier to access than traditional encyclopedias, even if its reliability and authority has been questioned. The rapid growth and popularity of Wikipedia should influence information policy at my library in making the promotion of informational literacy skills a priority which would see Wikipeda used as a guide to other sources.
Dearnley, J., & Feather, J. (2001). Information policy. The wired world: An introduction to the theory and practice of the information society (pp. 60-93). London: Library Association.
Lowe, A. (2012, June 19) Fairfax joins the shift to charging for online news. The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved from
Monday, October 1, 2012
Delicious and Libraries
I have found Delicious a great resource for organizing resources for the social networking assignment for this subject. I loved the stack feature,it enabled me to separate my assignment topics well. Once the stacks were removed tags became much more important. I hadn't been very consistent with my tagging for example 'social media' and 'socialmedia' which makes rediscovery much harder. This is common with tagging or folksomonies which can lack precision and structure (Redden, 2010, p.224). Bookmarking is easy, it is rediscovery or retrieval that would be difficult especially when using Delicious collaboratively. Too many bookmarks in tag catagories, multiple bookmarking of the same site, inconsistent tag names could reduces the effectiveness and usability of Delicious.
Other features that I have found useful are:
Following people in the same industry as me, and users I notice that have bookmarked similar sites to me so that I can discover, and possibly bookmark their bookmarks.This is a great way resources could be shared between libraries
Tag Bundles have allowed me to collect my social media technology sites togehter and for me replaces the stack feature. For libraries bundles could group together all the children's services links or all the easy reference bookmarks.
Annotations/Descriptions I have used this feature to remind myself on what I used the site for or why it was a good resource. This is especially important when there are are lots of bookmarks with similar tags as can happen when Delicious is used collaboratively or limited the number of tags to be used.
How libraries can use delicious
- As means of sharing reference resources for staff to use on desk while helping patrons.
- For staff to share resources with each other such as bookmarking sites with ideas for programs, child's activities, and displays.
- As a resource portal for patrons. Brimbank Library has a Delicious cloud of useful links while Geelong Library has a catagorized useful Weblinks and use Delicious to store all their links.
For libraries one of the best features of Delicious is that it is web-based. It can be accessed from any PC and doesn't need altering when computers are upgraded.
Redden, C.S. (2010). Social bookmarking in academic libraries: Trends and applications. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 36(3), 219–227
Redden, C.S. (2010). Social bookmarking in academic libraries: Trends and applications. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 36(3), 219–227
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Libraries and Facebook
I have been using Facebook personally for a few years but being part of the INF206-506 group was a different experience for me. I didn't realize that groups were able to have features like files and that I could interact with a group of people who weren't my 'friends'.
As part of my investigation into Facebook I experimented with setting up my own community page as this is what libraries would do to have a presence on Facebook. Customizing the page is pretty similar to a personal page but I found installing applications tricky. Libraries use applications (apps) to allow users to access library information without leaving Facebook (Harris & Lessick, 2007, p. 30). When looking at the literature for good applications for libraries to use, I found that most of these application were no longer available. Facebook is an changing platform in its ambition to improve its user's experience and so do apps that often of third-party origin. However it makes it difficult for libraries who look to literature for advice on starting a Facebook page.
When I started this course I began following some public libraries on Facebook, as this is my area of interest. I am pleased to note how active some of the libraries I follow are, in posting to their wall daily, even on weekends. As Aharony noted, I have found that public libraries use Facebook as as a way to deliver information to users and as a marketing tool rather than as a means of interactive dialoging with users (Arhony, 2012 p. 366) This is disappointing as one of the strengths of social networking technologies as they tools that facilitate collaboration and social connections. Some libraries are more active in encouraging users to participate. Some examples include:
- Asking questions, mostly along a literary theme such as “What adventure story (fictional or true) do you most wish you’d been part of?” (Geelong Regional Libraries)
- Posting interesting photos that evoke responses such as book based foods. (MooneValley Libraries)
- Live book chats (Columbus Metropolitan Library)
Since the library I work at is not presently using any social networking technologies. I would suggest to begin with a Facebook page. It is relatively easy to set up, it offers a way of promoting the library as well as creating new relationships and interactions with patrons. Also, once the library increases its social media presence to other technologies, those technologies can be promoted and accessed though apps on Facebook.
Aharony, N. (2012) Facebook use in libraries: an exploratory analysis . Aslib Proceedings: New Information Perspectives , 64(4), 358-372 .
Harris, A. & Lessick, S. (2007). Libraries Get Personal: Facebook Applications, Google Gadgets, and MySpace Profiles Library Hi Tech News, 24(8), 30-32, DOI: 10.1108/07419050710836018
Saturday, September 29, 2012
First Experiences in Second Life
Me on a camel in the desert of Giza
I am not much of a gamer. I really don't see the point of them. I don't do well at games, I think it is my inability to automatically determine my left from my right and I lack mouse co-ordination. So I approached my first experiences with Second Life with trepidation.
My first experience in second life had be bumping into objects with my hands out like a zombie wearing a steam punk outfit. I tried to chat to some people around me but they had as much idea as to what to do as I did. I had considerable lag on my actions, so I always seemed to move much further than I wanted to and found the experience disappointing and frustrating..
I have always wanted to visit Egypt, so for my second visit I searched for Egyptian themed places. Amongst the places I visit was a Giza pyramid where I learned to sit on a camel and took some photos.
My third experience in second life was a introduction with Cas Geordie. This turned out to be frustrating as I had trouble with sound. In the end people could hear me, but I couldn't hear them. I was able to get some chat summaries from one of the other students about what was happening but felt left out.
My best experience was on a virtual tour with another student who taught me how to interact more with objects and where, among other places, we visited Info Island and took a cushion tour.
Some of the functions I have learned on SL include sitting, running, walking, flying, changing camera angles, changing my outfit in a dressing room, dancing, interacting with objects.
I will continue to experiment with Second Life and try to look for experiences in using a library in this virtual world.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Evaluation of ASU Libaries and the 4Cs
That ASU uses these technologies passively gives users a opportunity to collaborate with the library, however I don't see much evidence of the library actively inviting collaboration.
Using these technologies has allowed ASU to have conversations with patrons especially through Twitter. Twitter is the place where students ask questions, alert the library to issues, and give feedback. Some conversations are also happening in comments from the YouTube videos. The library blog contains great information about events, collections and services however the library has “comments off” on all its posts which is a barrier to dialoging with patrons.
The library has created its own community inside of ASU in using there Web 2.0 technologies. The YouTube videos are fun and laid back while still imparting important information and give a sense that the library is a welcoming place to be. The library also has almost 2,000 followers as part of their Twitter community.
Content creation
These Web 2.0 technologies have allowed the library to create content in different media that promote the library. Users also have the opportunity to create content in the ratings and comments they give the YouTube videos, and in the feedback via Twitter.
Library 2.0 gives patrons an opportunity to participate in library services and seeks to harness patron knowledge to provide better services (Casey & Savastinuk, 2006, para.10-11). I think that ASU have some great tools to do this but need to be more active in initiating conversations and in inviting collaboration in content creation. In this way they will strengthen their community have user centred services and really embrace Library 2.0.
Casey, M.E. & Savastinuk, L.C. (2006). Library 2.0: Service for the next-generation library. Library Journal, 1 September. Retrieved from
Hay, L., Wallis J., O'Connell, J. & Crease, R. (2012). What is Library 2.0 [INF506 Module 3:Library 2.0 and participatory library services] Retrieved September 14, 2012 from Charles Sturt website:
Thursday, September 27, 2012
A-Z of Social Networking for Libraries: Embracing a Library 2.0 Ethos
I have selected 5 letters from the A to Z of Social Networking for Libraries and considered how they could be applied to the library to help it to embrace a Library 2.0 ethos.
The library I work at currently uses no Web 2.0 technology. Although I would love to jump in use them all for the sheer joy of splashing into social networks, unless I have a clear idea of what I want to accomplish then it is meaningless. What I have to do is assess what needs the library has, what patrons have and how Web 2.0 technologies can fill those needs. This will effect the direction I will go with social networking.
I think that a Facebook page is what most libraries start off with when they enter into the social networking environment. It is flexible as if offers lost of ways to create content with text, photos and videos. Because so many people now use Facebook it may be easier to get a following than other social media. Facebook features allow for promotion of the library, especially its events app. Facebook also has lots of opportunities for dialogue with patron though post and comments.
G-Good Reads
Promoting Good Reads on the library website might be a way to start promoting Web 2.0 technologies to our patrons was well as adding a great readers' advisory tool. It would be important to get staff enthusiastic about promoting it too so that .
Staff have mixed feelings about social networking and some staff have had little experience, and see it more as a personal tool rather than professional. There needs to be more exposure to how effective social networking can be for a library, otherwise help will not be forth coming. I'd like to see a team assembled, one at each branch, to direct social networking and to make it a legitimate service.
One of the ways staff could see the professional usefulness of Web 2.0 is to see how it can be used effectively in reference services. Patrons could ask questions via facebook or the library could have an app containing FAQs. Twitter also lends itself to ready reference questions. If staff could see how easily these reference supports could be implemented it would help them to embrace Web 2.0.
The library I work at currently uses no Web 2.0 technology. Although I would love to jump in use them all for the sheer joy of splashing into social networks, unless I have a clear idea of what I want to accomplish then it is meaningless. What I have to do is assess what needs the library has, what patrons have and how Web 2.0 technologies can fill those needs. This will effect the direction I will go with social networking.
I think that a Facebook page is what most libraries start off with when they enter into the social networking environment. It is flexible as if offers lost of ways to create content with text, photos and videos. Because so many people now use Facebook it may be easier to get a following than other social media. Facebook features allow for promotion of the library, especially its events app. Facebook also has lots of opportunities for dialogue with patron though post and comments.
G-Good Reads
Promoting Good Reads on the library website might be a way to start promoting Web 2.0 technologies to our patrons was well as adding a great readers' advisory tool. It would be important to get staff enthusiastic about promoting it too so that .
Staff have mixed feelings about social networking and some staff have had little experience, and see it more as a personal tool rather than professional. There needs to be more exposure to how effective social networking can be for a library, otherwise help will not be forth coming. I'd like to see a team assembled, one at each branch, to direct social networking and to make it a legitimate service.
One of the ways staff could see the professional usefulness of Web 2.0 is to see how it can be used effectively in reference services. Patrons could ask questions via facebook or the library could have an app containing FAQs. Twitter also lends itself to ready reference questions. If staff could see how easily these reference supports could be implemented it would help them to embrace Web 2.0.
5 Reasons why libraries should be on social media
I have chosen 3 libraries from the literature that have been suggested being early adopters of Web 2.0 technologies and looked at how they are using social media to support their collections, programs, events and services. The table below summarizes my findings.
Based on this table I have come up with 5 reasons why libraries should be on social media.
1. Libraries should be on social media because there is an audience.
Libraries are choosing to use social media technologies such as Facebook Twitter and Pinterst because they are popular so there is an audience that they can potentially interact with. For example Worthington Libraries has a presence on 9 of the most popular social networking sites
2. Libraries should be on social media to promote their collections, services and programs
Social media allows libraries to promote themselves in new ways. Kansas Library uses Pinterest for visual promotion of the collection that is reminiscent of themed book displays. Worthington's photo promotion of events gives users a glimpse into the excitement. Ann Arbor gives more people access to events such as author talks via podcast/vodcast.
3. Libraries should be on social media to improve their services
Social Media makes it easier for patrons to ask information related questions. For Kansas City library has added IM to their reference services which allows patrons to ask library related questions over the internet. Ann Arbor regularly answers ready reference questions via Twitter.
4. Libraries should be on social media to provide information
People are going online for their information rather than visit their libraries. By being in social spaces libraries can share their information online. Worthington Libraries use Facebook and Pinterest to link to their finding aid and Kansas City Libraries use Facebook video and YouTube to instruct patrons on finding information at the library.
5. Libraries should be on social media to engage with patrons
This engagement can be active or passive on the part of the library. Each of the social media used by the library have features that allow for dialogue, usually though comments of posts. At anytime users can choose to enter into a dialogue by commenting on library content. Worthington Libraries is actively engaging users on Facebook where during July Worthington libraries asked users for feedback and input into their strategic plan.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Pinterest for Libraries
In an earlier post I wrote that I had just realized that Pinterest was not just a place to pin pretty pictures but was a social book-marking site similar to Delicious but instead of text each bookmark was represented by an image. This changed using Pinterest for me as it meant I could bookmark instructions for making crafts and not just images to inspire me. In creating pins I now think of them as resources and not images. Check out my Pinterest profile. I have learned how to manipulate the placement of my boards and to set board covers so that they display the most visually appealing or relevant images. I have done lots of repinning and get excited when other repin or follow my boards.
I have interacted more in Pinterest by repinning, liking and commenting on images and I have created a collaborative board. The board is called Social Media in Libraries which now has 8 collaborators including people from my course and library colleagues. I have also joined and collaborated on other boards such as The Librarian's List: All Time Favourite Books and What Are You Reading?
As I am interested in how libraries are using Pinterest I have began following libraries. Most libraries are using Pinterest for promotion Somers library promotes books in many categories such as teen reads, bullying resources, staff picks, action and adventure. However the library has used Google to source the images and all the bookmarks or pins link back to Google. This is a missed opportunity for the library to direct traffic back to the library catalogue. The library could select a book cover image from Google and customize the URL to link to the item on the catalogue. Fullerton Libraries has linked all its book recommendations to the library catalogue.
Libraries are also promoting events and services on Pinterest with images of flyers and photo of events and the best libraries are directing user back to the library websites
One of the essentials of social networking is participation. Followers of library boards can like, repin or comment on a library pin. Some libraries are more active in encouraging participation by inviting patrons to collaborate on boards. New York Public library invites patrons to pin images with the hashtag #NYPLLittlelions images of cats that represent the library logo of a lion. NYPL then searches on Pinterest for this hashtag and pins the image to their Little Lions board. Fullerton Library has 68 collaborators on its Patron Favourites board
The one issue I have encountered in the literature about Pinterest is that of copyright and intellectual property on images that are pinned (Ferguson, 2012, p.84). Anecdotally, many companies are happy to have their contents pinned as it increases traffic to their website, however if in doubt libraries should not pin images that they don't have the copyright of or permission form the artist (Hayden, 2012, p.169).
Summary for using Pinterest in Libraries
- Use Pinterest for both promotion and to engage users
- Link image such as book recommendations and new acquisitions back to the library catalogue
- Pin Regularly to keep users engaged and giving them content to like, repin or comment on
- Look for ways to collaborate on boards with patrons
- Be aware of copyright issues.
Ferguson, Cris (2012). Technology Left Behind — Pinning in the Library. Against the Grain, 24(3), 83-85. Retrieved from
Hayden, Beth (2012) Pinfluence : The Complete Guide to Marketing Your Business with Pinterest. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Libraries and QR Codes
Image: QR code for the shelf location of Princess Bride by William Goldman at UQ Library
I have seen QR codes in magazines and at the movies but I really had no idea of what they were. For those of you in the same situation as me, I can tell you that QR codes stands for Quick Response codes and are a type of barcode but can hold more information as they are two dimensional (Walsh, 2009 p.7). They are readable by smart phones and mobile phones with cameras which use a downloadable QR reader. QR Codes can store different types of information such as text and more often a URL and links you a website.
I have difficulty with the concept of QR as social media or social networking software, as on its own it doesn't involve any social interaction. However it is certainly a tool that facilitates social networking as is a means of sharing information and leading people to places where they can collaborate and create content. To me they are more of a marketing tool that is the digital equivalent of business cards. A QR code could be displayed on a shop front which links people to a website which contain more information than could be typed on a business card.
However when I look at how libraries are using QR codes it can be used from more than marketing, and does link people to sites where they can create and share content. QR codes on book can link to information about the author and other books they have written, they can be added to the catalogue to get the shelf location of books, can be linked to library services (Massis, 2011, p.467). QR codes can link patrons to content sharing sites such as Blogs, Facebook pages and Flickr streams which invites them to dialogue with the library on these sites. It can also encourage creation of content. For example a QR code on a book can link patrons to a site where they can review the book. For more ways on how libraries are using QR codes see QR codes on Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki
The benefits of QR codes to libraries is that it joins together the physical and the virtual spaces of the library. They are low cost, easy to implement and have the potential to link patrons to lots of information (Ashford, 2010, p.527). One issue with QR codes is that users require a mobile device that can take photos and those patrons who do not have this technology will not be able to access this added information.
Ashford, R. (2010). QR codes and academic libraries: Reaching mobile users.
College and Research Libraries News, 71(10), 526-530. Retrieved from
Massis, Bruce E. (2011). QR codes in the library New Library World, 112 (9), 466-469
Walsh. Andrew. (2009).Quick response codes and libraries. Library Hi Tech News, 26(5), 7-9.
College and Research Libraries News, 71(10), 526-530. Retrieved from
Massis, Bruce E. (2011). QR codes in the library New Library World, 112 (9), 466-469
Walsh. Andrew. (2009).Quick response codes and libraries. Library Hi Tech News, 26(5), 7-9.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Library 2.0: I Want it All Verses What Patrons Want
I feel I may be getting carried away with wanting to use Web 2.0 technologies in libraries. I have been guilty for bemoaning why the library I work at doesn't have any social software for patrons. I want it all for my library. I want blogs for teens and for book reviews. I want a Facebook page where I can promote library events and share witty library related photos. I want a new library website that links to all our social networks sites. I want a library twitter account, I want a wiki, I want.... I want.... I want.....
This week I read Meredith Farkas’s post The essence of Library 2.0 and at first it was like a wet blanket to my enthusiasm. I want my library to be part of the online conversations that are happening all around me using great tools and she was encouraging me to look past the tools to focus on my patrons needs. I was like a child a Christmas with all my nice new shiny toys, who had forgotten about all the other toys. I had forgotten all about what I had learned throughout my library course, about always being user-focused. I was focusing on myself and what I wanted for the library. I was also fueled by the fear of being left behind by not using social networking tools. However having a tool and using it well are not the same. As I have been searching for libraries using social technologies I have found many libraries have them but that they are not being used. There are library Facebook pages with the most recent status updates in 2008, library Pinterest pages with no pins, Twitter accounts with only 2 tweets, library blogs that have been abandoned. While it may look great to have Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, blog symbols on a library website linking to pages, it is disappointing to a user who may want to dialogue with the library in this way to find them out-dated or unused. I will not let that happen to my library!!
Frakas suggests the way to stop this happening is for needs assessments. To discover what users want and to assess what tools, social or not, would best met these needs. This course is helping me to explore social technologies and what they can do for a library. Armed with this knowledge, when I assess the needs of our users, I will know if a social media tool would help to address a need. Making a needs assessment doesn't seem as exciting as introducing all my shiny new social networking technologies, but it is the only way to ensure that patrons will engage with the social technologies I introduce.
Frakas, M. (2008, January 24). The essence of Library 2.0 [Weblog post]. Retreived from
This week I read Meredith Farkas’s post The essence of Library 2.0 and at first it was like a wet blanket to my enthusiasm. I want my library to be part of the online conversations that are happening all around me using great tools and she was encouraging me to look past the tools to focus on my patrons needs. I was like a child a Christmas with all my nice new shiny toys, who had forgotten about all the other toys. I had forgotten all about what I had learned throughout my library course, about always being user-focused. I was focusing on myself and what I wanted for the library. I was also fueled by the fear of being left behind by not using social networking tools. However having a tool and using it well are not the same. As I have been searching for libraries using social technologies I have found many libraries have them but that they are not being used. There are library Facebook pages with the most recent status updates in 2008, library Pinterest pages with no pins, Twitter accounts with only 2 tweets, library blogs that have been abandoned. While it may look great to have Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, blog symbols on a library website linking to pages, it is disappointing to a user who may want to dialogue with the library in this way to find them out-dated or unused. I will not let that happen to my library!!
Frakas suggests the way to stop this happening is for needs assessments. To discover what users want and to assess what tools, social or not, would best met these needs. This course is helping me to explore social technologies and what they can do for a library. Armed with this knowledge, when I assess the needs of our users, I will know if a social media tool would help to address a need. Making a needs assessment doesn't seem as exciting as introducing all my shiny new social networking technologies, but it is the only way to ensure that patrons will engage with the social technologies I introduce.
Frakas, M. (2008, January 24). The essence of Library 2.0 [Weblog post]. Retreived from
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
RSS Use In Public Libraries
I used to think that RSS was the poor sister in the range of social media tools that were available, but after seeing is ease of use and its benefits, I am changing my tune. RSS is an acronym for Really Simple Syndication others refer to it as Rich Site Summary (Wusteman, 2004 p. 404). It is an application used on sites that are regularly updated. Users subscribe to a feed using a newsreader which then checks that site on a regular interval and notifies users of changes to those sites of pages(Wusteman, 2004 p.404). It is a fantastic time saver. Instead of visiting these sites regularly to note updates, new blog posts, or the lastest news all you need to do is regularly access your newsreader and it pulls on the new information from your feeds into a central place (Mu, 2008 p.10).
I have been investigating how Australian public libraries are using RSS, and I selected two examples Eastern Regional Libraries and Yarra Plenty Regional Library to explore how they are using RSS.
Many libraries now have their own blogs either on their library websites or on a blog hosting site with links to them. Many of these have a RRS feed that notifies subscribers of a new post and pushes it out to them. YPRL has a quite a few blogs but not all of them offer a RSS feed. ERL has 4 blogs, all that can use RSS technology.
Some libraries use RSS to alert subscribers to changes in library locations and opening times. ERL's Find a library page has a google map of all the branches of the libraries, has the phone number of each library and the opening hours. RSS allows subscribers to be alerted to any changes on this page which means that patrons would be quickly notified of any change in opening hours that may occur, especially relevant for public holidays or emergency closings.
Usually the RSS feed symbol is found on the address bar in your browser, ERL has placed symbols direction on their pages which makes it much more prominent – especially to people who are not so familiar with RSS. Many individual pages on the ERL website have RSS feeds. ERL has possible gone overboard with its use of RSS. RSS is particularly use for pages that regularly contain new information. ERL has RSS on pages such as on online resources and newspaper holdings which are quite static pages. However, for those users that particularly use online resources at the library being notified of a new resource can be invaluable. Interestingly, there is both a ERL newsletter and a YPRL newsletter but at the time of this blog entry they can only be subscribed to via email and not RSS.
Getting feedback from patrons is an important aspect the social media technologies offer. Eastern Regional Libraries has a feedback page that is part of the I love Libraries campaign in Victoria. Visitors to the website and library users are invited to share their memories and experiences of the library. These are posted to a page entitled 'Why I love my library” It has an RSS option. As subscribers are notified when changes are made to the page they will be able to read of new memories other have of the library and builds a feeling of connectedness to the library and those who use it especially if people have similar experiences.
A great way of keeping patrons informed about new acquisitions to the library is to create a RSS feed linked to the catalogue. This way subscribers are the first to find out the new books and can reserve them. Although ERL and YPRL don't Central West Libraries has RSS feeds of the new titles added to the catalogue. Users can subscribe to new titles, series issues and rating and reviews of books.
Another option for using RSS that none of these libraries are using (yet) is linking an RSS feed to a users library card. This then alerts the user to any changed on their card, overdues, fines, and reserves ready to pick up. An example of this is the University of Sydney's Myloans
Wusteman, J. (2004). RSS: the latest feed. Library Hi Tech, 22(4), 404-413.
DOI 10.1108/07378830410570511
Mu , Cuiying (2008). Using RSS feeds and social bookmarking tools to keep current . Library Hi Tech News 25(9) 2008, 10-11. DOI 10.1108/07419050810946196
I have been investigating how Australian public libraries are using RSS, and I selected two examples Eastern Regional Libraries and Yarra Plenty Regional Library to explore how they are using RSS.
Many libraries now have their own blogs either on their library websites or on a blog hosting site with links to them. Many of these have a RRS feed that notifies subscribers of a new post and pushes it out to them. YPRL has a quite a few blogs but not all of them offer a RSS feed. ERL has 4 blogs, all that can use RSS technology.
Some libraries use RSS to alert subscribers to changes in library locations and opening times. ERL's Find a library page has a google map of all the branches of the libraries, has the phone number of each library and the opening hours. RSS allows subscribers to be alerted to any changes on this page which means that patrons would be quickly notified of any change in opening hours that may occur, especially relevant for public holidays or emergency closings.
Usually the RSS feed symbol is found on the address bar in your browser, ERL has placed symbols direction on their pages which makes it much more prominent – especially to people who are not so familiar with RSS. Many individual pages on the ERL website have RSS feeds. ERL has possible gone overboard with its use of RSS. RSS is particularly use for pages that regularly contain new information. ERL has RSS on pages such as on online resources and newspaper holdings which are quite static pages. However, for those users that particularly use online resources at the library being notified of a new resource can be invaluable. Interestingly, there is both a ERL newsletter and a YPRL newsletter but at the time of this blog entry they can only be subscribed to via email and not RSS.
Getting feedback from patrons is an important aspect the social media technologies offer. Eastern Regional Libraries has a feedback page that is part of the I love Libraries campaign in Victoria. Visitors to the website and library users are invited to share their memories and experiences of the library. These are posted to a page entitled 'Why I love my library” It has an RSS option. As subscribers are notified when changes are made to the page they will be able to read of new memories other have of the library and builds a feeling of connectedness to the library and those who use it especially if people have similar experiences.
A great way of keeping patrons informed about new acquisitions to the library is to create a RSS feed linked to the catalogue. This way subscribers are the first to find out the new books and can reserve them. Although ERL and YPRL don't Central West Libraries has RSS feeds of the new titles added to the catalogue. Users can subscribe to new titles, series issues and rating and reviews of books.
Another option for using RSS that none of these libraries are using (yet) is linking an RSS feed to a users library card. This then alerts the user to any changed on their card, overdues, fines, and reserves ready to pick up. An example of this is the University of Sydney's Myloans
Wusteman, J. (2004). RSS: the latest feed. Library Hi Tech, 22(4), 404-413.
DOI 10.1108/07378830410570511
Mu , Cuiying (2008). Using RSS feeds and social bookmarking tools to keep current . Library Hi Tech News 25(9) 2008, 10-11. DOI 10.1108/07419050810946196
Monday, August 6, 2012
Twittering about spam
I joined Twitter over a year ago, sent my first tweet and felt proud! However that was the extent of my tweeting experience. Now my account has become more active as I interact with students from my class and as I post tweets to do with social networking. I have found that more of my friends are on twitter than I thought and I am communicating with them and I am tweeting support to Australian athletes in London for the Olympics.
However, it has not been all smooth sailing, actually I am finding things about Twitter quite frustrating. I was happily tweeting away adding tags to my tweets that would allow my classmates to search from my tweets. However after a while I began to notice that some of my tweets were not being captured in a search. Any tweet with a URL link would not show up in the #tag search. This was frustrating as I had felt that these tweets with links were important articles that I wanted to share, yet unless my classmates specifically subscribed to my tweets, they wouldn't be able to see these tweets.
Unsure of what was going on as all my setting seemed fine I went to Google to investigate and found that there were other users that have reported other problems, but had no solution. I searched Twitter help and information about why tweets weren't appearing, but none of they quite fit my situation of why only some of my tweets were missing from search.
This is when it was suggested to me that perhaps it has to do with spam protection. My account had very little activity and suddenly I was tweeting a lot and using links. It could look a little suspicious. One of the ways in which twitter looks at spamming is “If your updates consist mainly of links, and not personal updates” I was wondering if Twitters spam protection was stopping these links from coming up in search.
A question to Twitter support suggested that “The best course of action is to continue tweeting, re-tweeting and mentioning others to gain resonance amongst your followers” So it seems that I have to gain authenticity as a Tweeter for all my tweets to show up in #tag searches. It seems disappointing that spammers do make it difficult for everyone else. This raises the question of how this need to gain resonance amongst followers affects a library that is just starting to tweet and wants to link to their library site.
However, it has not been all smooth sailing, actually I am finding things about Twitter quite frustrating. I was happily tweeting away adding tags to my tweets that would allow my classmates to search from my tweets. However after a while I began to notice that some of my tweets were not being captured in a search. Any tweet with a URL link would not show up in the #tag search. This was frustrating as I had felt that these tweets with links were important articles that I wanted to share, yet unless my classmates specifically subscribed to my tweets, they wouldn't be able to see these tweets.
Unsure of what was going on as all my setting seemed fine I went to Google to investigate and found that there were other users that have reported other problems, but had no solution. I searched Twitter help and information about why tweets weren't appearing, but none of they quite fit my situation of why only some of my tweets were missing from search.
This is when it was suggested to me that perhaps it has to do with spam protection. My account had very little activity and suddenly I was tweeting a lot and using links. It could look a little suspicious. One of the ways in which twitter looks at spamming is “If your updates consist mainly of links, and not personal updates” I was wondering if Twitters spam protection was stopping these links from coming up in search.
A question to Twitter support suggested that “The best course of action is to continue tweeting, re-tweeting and mentioning others to gain resonance amongst your followers” So it seems that I have to gain authenticity as a Tweeter for all my tweets to show up in #tag searches. It seems disappointing that spammers do make it difficult for everyone else. This raises the question of how this need to gain resonance amongst followers affects a library that is just starting to tweet and wants to link to their library site.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Defined by the technology I use
Photo courtesy of
What Kevin Kelly (2009) says about
ethnic technology resonates with me and perhaps explains my
behaviour. He examines examples where primitive cultures do not
adopt technologies at the same time, at the same rate even then they
live in close proximity to each other, even though these technologies
may be more efficient that what is being used.
“ Technologies have a social
dimension beyond their mere mechanical performance. We adopt
new technologies largely because of what they do for us, but also in
part because of what they mean to us. Often we refuse to adopt
technology for the same reason: because of how the avoidance
reinforces, or crafts our identity”(Kelly, 2009 para.8). I can
imagine that in some of the examples that Kelly gives of they types
of traps that are set, that not using a specific type, even if
effective, is a statement of identity. It is them that use that
type, not us.
He goes on to suggest that,“in the
modernized west, our decisions about technology are not made by the
group, but by individuals. We choose what we want to adopt, and what
we don’t. So on top of the ethnic choice of technologies a
community endorses, we must add the individual layer of preference.
We announce our identity by what stuff we use or refuse”(Kelly,
2009 para.10). This is so true. My use or non-use of technology
helps define who I am.
- I am a Linux user, mainly because of my partner's influence on me. I don't use Microsoft or Apple products, although a times it can be more difficult to avoid these.
- I don't have a mobile phone. This is a choice as I don't want to be in contact with people all of the time. I like having times that I am not contactable. And sometime it would be nice to contact my husband when he goes shopping to add something extra to the shopping list, however I have to rely on my powers of telepathy and try and let him know what I have forgotten off the list :)
- I have an e-reader, as it is practical for me as a prolific reader to be able to load multiple books onto a devise. However more than likely I read a pbook (print book) as I like the experience of reading a book, the smell of paper, and the sharing of reading experiences on trains where people can see what you are reading by the cover.
- I don't have TV. Well, this is not technically true, we have a TV (not a flatscreen), but we don't tune it, and just use it to watch DVD. However with the Olympic Games about to begin, I may get a set top box just to get into the Aussie spirit.
- I love my computer and that it gives my access to the online world. I have a laptop that I can take places with me, so I can connect anywhere. The first thing I do in the morning is to check my emails and my social networking sites, particularly Facebook to see what has been happening overnight. It is also the first thing I do when I come home from anywhere, and I check in multiple times during the day.
- I sent emails, but I love letters. Some days I can't wait for the postman to come, even though most of our snail mail is bills and impersonal letters. The experience of walking the short distance to the mailbox, in the hope that there is that golden gem of personal mail, is like walking on sunshine.
I use the technology that is useful to
me, that I enjoy, and that feels comfortable and works for me. I
select which technology I want, when I want it, and how I want it. I
am a selective adopter of technology.
Kelly, Kevin. (2009) Ethnic
technology. Retrieved from
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